ocaml-spawn | Spawn sub-processes | |
ocaml-splittable_random | PRNG that can be split into independent streams | |
ocaml-stdio | Standard IO library for OCaml | |
ocaml-stdlib-shims | OCaml stdlib compatibility module | |
ocaml-stringext | Extra string functions for OCaml | |
ocaml-typerep | Runtime types for OCaml | |
ocaml-variantslib | OCaml variants as first-class values | |
ocaml-yojson | JSON parsing and pretty-printing library for OCaml | |
ocamlbuild | Build system for OCaml | |
ocamlgraph | Graph library for OCaml | |
ocamlify | Allows embedding external resources as OCaml code | |
ocamlmod | Generate OCaml modules from source files | |
ode | Library for the simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics | |
okteta | Hex Editor | |
omake | Build system designed for scalability and portability | |
opa | Open source, general-purpose policy engine | |
open-vcdiff | RFC 3284 encoder/decoder for VCDIFF Differencing and Compression | |
openFPGALoader | A universal utility for programming FPGAs | |
opengrok | Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine | |
openocd | Open On-Chip Debugger | |
openrcs | OpenRCS is RCS clone from OpenBSD project | |
orc | Compiler for vector operations | |
ormolu | Formatter for Haskell source code | |
oslc (V) | Open Source License Checker | |
ossp-uuid | C-API and command line tool for generating UUIDs | |
p4api (V) | Perforce SCM C/C++ API | |
p5-accessors | Perl module - create accessor methods in caller's package | |
p5-accessors-fast | Compiletime accessors using Class::Accessor::Fast | |
p5-Acme-Damn | Perl5 module for 'unblessing' perl objects | |
p5-Acme-PlayCode | Perl5 module for code transforming to avoid typical typing mistakes | |
p5-Algorithm-Annotate | Perl module that provides cvs-annotate-like functionality | |
p5-Algorithm-Backoff | Various backoff strategies for retry | |
p5-Algorithm-C3 | Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm | |
p5-Algorithm-CheckDigits | Perl extension to generate and test check digits | |
p5-Algorithm-Cluster (V) | Perl interface to the C Clustering Library | |
p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics (V) | Efficient generation of combinatorial sequences | |
p5-Algorithm-Dependency | Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency tree | |
p5-Algorithm-Diff | Perl module for diffing similar to diff(1) | |
p5-Algorithm-HowSimilar | Perl module for computation of similarity amongst values | |
p5-Algorithm-Merge | Perl module providing diff3(1)-like functionality | |
p5-Algorithm-Permute | Perl module for generating permutations with object oriented interface | |
p5-aliased | Perl 5 module for use of shorter versions of class names | |
p5-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild | Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and libraries | |
p5-Alien-Build | Build external dependencies for use in CPAN | |
p5-Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab | Alien::Build plugin to download from GitLab | |
p5-Alien-Packages | Find information of installed packages | |
p5-Alien-SDL | Alien::SDL - building, finding and using SDL binaries | |
p5-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc | Integrate AnnoCPAN notes locally into perldoc | |
p5-Any-Moose | Perl extension to check dependencies on Moose or Mouse | |
p5-AnyEvent | Simple API for io, timer and completion callbacks | |
p5-AnyEvent-AIO | Perl 5 module providing truly asynchronous file and directory I/O | |
p5-AnyEvent-IRC | Perl 5 event based IRC protocol client API | |
p5-AnyEvent-RabbitMQ | RabbitMQ interface with AnyEvent | |
p5-AnyEvent-XMPP | Implementation of the XMPP Protocol | |
p5-App-Cache | Perl 5 module providing easy application-level caching | |
p5-App-CLI | Dispatcher module for command line interface programs | |
p5-App-Cmd | Perl 5 module to write command line apps with less suffering | |
p5-App-cpanminus | Perl5 script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN | |
p5-App-cpanoutdated | Detect outdated CPAN modules in your environment | |
p5-App-FatPacker | Perl5 module to pack your dependencies onto your script file | |
p5-App-perlbrew | Manage perl installations in your /home/pkgsrc | |
p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar | Progress bar for Perl prove(1) | |
p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar-Each | Per-test-script progress bar for Perl prove(1) | |
p5-AppConfig | Perl5 module for parsing config files and command line arguments | |
p5-AppConfig-Std | AppConfig::Std Perl module | |
p5-Array-Compare | Perl extension for comparing arrays | |
p5-Array-Diff | Perl 5 module to diff two arrays | |
p5-Array-RefElem | Set up array elements as aliases | |
p5-asa | Perl 5 module to overload isa functions | |
p5-Async-Interrupt | Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously | |
p5-AtExit | Provides an ANSI C style atexit() function to Perl programs | |
p5-Attribute-Lexical | Sane scoping of function/variable attributes | |
p5-autobox | Perl 5 module to add methods on native types | |
p5-autobox-Core | Perl 5 module adding core built-in functions in primitive types | |
p5-Autodia | Create documentation through templates | |
p5-autovivification | Perl5 module to lexically disable autovivification | |
p5-AutoXS-Header | Perl 5 module container for the AutoXS header files | |
p5-B-Compiling | Expose PL_compiling to perl | |
p5-B-COW | Some naive additional B helpers to check the COW status of one SvPV | |
p5-B-Debug | Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops | |
p5-B-Deobfuscate (V) | Extension to B::Deparse for use in de-obfuscating source code | |
p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope | Perl 5 module to execute code after a scope finished compilation | |
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation | Perl 5 module to annotate and delegate hooked OPs | |
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check | Perl 5 module to wrap OP check callbacks | |
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV | Invoke callbacks on construction of entersub OPs for certain CVs | |
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange | Invoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changes | |
p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr | Hook into opcode execution | |
p5-B-Hooks-Parser | Interface to perls parser variables | |
p5-B-Keywords | Perl 5 module providing lists of reserved barewords and symbol names | |
p5-B-Utils | Perl 5 module providing op tree manipulation helper functions | |
p5-BackPAN-Index | Perl 5 module providing an interface to the BackPAN index | |
p5-bareword-filehandles | Perl 5 module which disables bareword filehandles | |
p5-Benchmark-Timer (V) | Benchmarking with statistical confidence | |
p5-Bit-Vector | Efficient base class implementing bit vectors | |
p5-boolean | Boolean support for Perl | |
p5-BSD-Resource | Perl interface to BSD process resources library | |
p5-Cache | The Cache interface | |
p5-Cache-Cache | The Cache interface | |
p5-Cache-FastMmap | Shared memory cache through an mmap'ed file | |
p5-Cache-LRU | Simple, fast implementation of an in-memory LRU cache |